DbGate 5.2

Free A versatile SQL+noSQL database client with support for multiple databases.
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5.2.2 See all
Free   91.9 MB
Used by 6 people
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An innovative SQL and noSQL database tool for all purposes. This utility supports various databases including MySQL, PostgreSQL, MS SQL, MongoDB, SQLite, and Oracle. Connect to multiple databases, either directly or through an SSH tunnel. The tool allows for data editing, enabling users to browse, edit, and filter data in tables or views.

DbGate is a smart SQL+noSQL database client. The application is free to use for any purpose and the source code is available under MIT license. The utility Supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, MS SQL, MongoDB, SQLite, Oracle and others. It lets you connect to multiple databases, directly or through SSH tunnel.

As a data editor, the tool allows you to browse or edit data in your tables or views, and filter by column value. You can edit SQL queries with auto-complete suggestions. Also, you can export and import from/to CSV, JSON or Excel.

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