CleanMyDrive 2

Free A Mac application for managing disks on your computer.
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Latest version:
2.2.3 See all
Used by 2,017 people
Awards: Mac Informer Editor Rating 4
Info updated on:

CleanMyDrive 2 is a simple program designed for users who need to immediately check disk usage statistics and eject drives on their Macs. This Menu Bar utility provides you with a quick tutorial, has easy to configure settings, and uses a small amount of CPU resources while operating on your Mac.

Once the application is launched on your computer, it will automatically detect all connected partitions and external drives. In order to get access to disk usage statistics you need to click the "Grant Access" button (it's shown under each disk name from the list). The program will let you know how much space was used to store movies, pictures, audios, and other types of files on the selected disk.

An important advantage is that the tool supports various types of storage devices. What's more, it provides you with a quick and simple way to eject the connected disks.

My only issue with this application is that I cannot copy files to any of the listed disks by using drag-and-drop actions (you need to drag-and-drop files over the disk you wish to copy the data to). Every time I try to drag-and-drop a file over a drive icon, the main menu of the app disappears and no file transfer can be completed.

Still, the program comes without a price, offers you info regarding your disks, and offers you an easy way to eject them. So, it's up to you to decide if it's worth installing it on your Mac or not.

AG Senior editor
Ashley Griggs
Editor rating:

Video and screenshots (13)

Review summary


  • Localized in various languages
  • Immediately cleans up junk files
  • Provides you with a quick way to eject disks
  • You can define a global hotkey for immediately ejecting all disks


  • Unable to copy files using drag-and-drop actions

Comments (2)

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Your vote:

Very good. The only negative point is it can only be used by 1 user when having multiple sessions.

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It works well on my computer.

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