Have you ever been faced with the task of moving files (or folders) from...


Bundle Files provides users with a variety of file management features, including the ability to copy files from multiple folders into a single folder.
Have you ever needed to copy files from multiple folders into one single folder?

Have you ever needed to copy file(s) to multiple folders? If so, then this utility is for you! The Bundle Files program has several options for managing your files.
For example, let's say you consolidated all of your iTunes, but now you want to move all of the MP3 files from the separate folders into one single folder. Simply drag and drop all of the folders that contain your MP3 files onto the program icon. Next specify ".mp3" (that way, it will only move MP3 files). The program will move (or copy - your choice) all of the files into a single folder!
The program can also distribute a single file or folder (or multiples) into multiple folders. This process is just as easy.

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