Bug Defender 2.01

Free An arcade game with the goal of preventing pests from invading your home.
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2.01 See all
Free   17.2 MB
Used by 7 people
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Bug Defender is an arcade game with very easy rules, which makes it suitable for users of practically all ages. The goal of the game is to prevent hordes of insect pests from invading your home by using different types of weapons and sprays. Fortunately, the rules of the game are accessible from the main menu.

I like that the game demands using strategies and thinking in advance. For instance, you need to plan what kind of defense to use and where to place it. Moreover, you will have to administer the points you accumulate in the best investments possible; otherwise, you may fall short of weapons.

Every time you start the game, you may configure it to match different hardware configurations. In this respect, it is possible to play it in windowed or full screen mode. Likewise, you can adjust resolution, frequency and antialiasing for a smoother gameplay on your machine. Similarly, you can turn music off if it bothers you.

All in all, this is the kind of game you may choose to play casually, but I do not really think it could become anyone’s favorite. In the end, it may become quite boring once you have gone through all the levels. The game is free but additional gardens (scenarios) are available via in-app purchases.

PC Senior editor
Pedro Castro
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Screenshots (4)

Review summary


  • Requires using strategies and thinking in advance
  • Various scenarios
  • Allows configuring the game to match the available hardware
  • Suitable for all ages
  • Additional scenarios available


  • May get boring in the end



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