Bryce 7.1

An affordable landscape and animation designing tool.
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Latest version:
7.1.0 See all
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Used by 114 people
Awards: Mac Informer Editor Rating 4
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Bryce is an affordable application to fit your designing needs. Creating realistic sceneries is now easy with this latest version of Bryce. Bryce 7 includes many improvements and additional tools to help you put your dreams into colorful landscapes and sceneries.

The application comes in three versions. PLE license is free and can only be used for personal, non-commercial, educational purpose, hence its name Personal Learning Edition. You can download this version following the links from the developer's website. Other licenses cost between 30 for the standard and 80 dollars for the professional version. The difference between the two versions is that the professional includes all of the features advertised, while the standard includes the core.

While it is a step up for the program, when talking about inclusion of the new tools, there are mixed reviews for the whole suite. Many people find this program difficult to learn, there are bugs, and while the program now supports many formats for import/export, it seems that it can't handle the newer image formats anyway.

Overall, there are good improvements from the previous versions (especially, given the history of the program previous owner's decision to cease its development) but still buggy and unstable. Use on own risk for learning.

JW Senior editor
Joshua Wrightwood
Editor rating:

Screenshots (3)

Review summary


  • Pro version has many outstanding add-ons
  • On a track to become better and better


  • Buggy
  • Crashes
  • Poor reviews

Comments (2)


Your vote:

Judith Bandsma
Just downloaded Bryce for Mac. It will not open. I cannot even get the usual notice sending me to security and privacy to allow it to open.

Sep 14, 2023 Was it helpful?  yes(0) no(0) | Reply
rating Chris
No other 3D app has such user friendly navigation around the Cartesian 3D environment - the 'bugs' are rare on the Mac version. Lets all join together and get Bryce brought up to speed and re-coded for Apple M1 native silicon! Bryce is potentially the most productive 3D ever designed!

Apr 2, 2023 Was it helpful?  yes(4) no(1) | Reply
