BlackFire is an Xfire client for the Mac. Features:
- Supports clans
- Login using your existing xfire account (or create a new one on xfire.com if you haven't got an xfire account)
- Friends list with detailed status of what your friends are playing / doing
- Instant join of a game which a friend is playing
- Detects the game you are playing and also registers them
So you have an easy list in BlackFire wich you can use as a launch bar!
- Custom status
- Supports Growl
- It has chat logs and a Chat log viewer
- Customizable sounds using sound sets in the extras section
- It has xfire games support from version 1.118 so you will always know wich games your friends
are playing
- A wide variety of preferences
- Menubar icon wich shows number of missed messages
- Manage your friends, delete or add them
- Change your nickname
- It shows more info about each friend, and even supports Game server information (players, xp, ping)
for a few games (not necessarily mac games)
- BlackFire has option for remembering your password and auto logging in!
- Timestamps in chat windows
- Chat with your xfire friends
- Chat with your xfire clan members
- Supports xfire favorite server list