Mac users interested in Video frame calculator generally download:
FrameCalculator is an application that allows users to convert between multiple time-based values in order to speed up movie post production tasks. It can handle a wide range of algebraic calculations between time-codes, frames per second, frame counts.
VideoSpec is a video analyzer and player with built-in timecode, bitrate, and aspect ratio calculators. It can also detect video file compatibility with QuickTime Player and specific Apple devices. The analysis results can be exported in a customizable text file.
Additional suggestions for Video frame calculator by our robot:
Data Rate Calculator calculates data rates and storage requirements for a given video size, format, and frame rate....
Data Rate Calculator size, format
Makes and records calculations related to video timings.
Calculator is intended to make a given video frame. Thus
Program for Film professionals.
(film//video/photo)Filmlength/time calculations...Screentime to frames* Frames to screentime
Viewgrader is a proportional scale calculator app for Mac OS X.
proportional resizing video frame to scaling...The program calculates the aspect
Calculates where the same video frame would appear in other video standards.
one video standard and calculate...the
Amberlight 2.1 Features: Added new video formats: .avi, .webm with codecs: H.265, huffYUV...
Added new video formats: .avi...time is calculated...and last frame are identical
Combines advanced playback with basic editing features.
between synchronized videos to calculate...frame, sequential
Performs elaborate calculation to assemble quite impressive compositions.
Mazaika-Video performs elaborate calculation...eye
aspectRatio features a fixed calculator for common square and non-square pixel aspect ratios.
Custom Calculator module. Custom calculations outputs will exhibit
Generate live wallpapers and screen savers based on mathematical functions.
Every frame will be calculated...picture
Utility application that helps you doing some math with timecode values.
NLA Timecode Calculator...values. Calculating...timecode to calculate
With it, quickly execute shell commands, launch files and URLs.
their names (Calculator, App
SunX is a sunrise and sunset calculator for OS X, coded in Objective-C.
and sunset calculator...over a time frame on a graph...Can now calculate and display
It can calculate the times for sunrise and sunset.
Sun Calculator...that can calculate...over a time-frame on a graph