Mac users interested in Sprite sheet tool generally download:
Sprite Sheet Helper provides a quick and easy way to extract individual animation frames from a sprite sheet. Even if the frames are not aligned or organized in the sprite sheet, Sprite Sheet Helper will automatically find, crop, and export the sprite frames as individual image files.
Sprite Monkey is a small, fast, yet reliable sprite editor. With this tool you can quickly edit your sprite sheet/strip in a simple, uncluttered user interface. You can easily create sprite coordinate scripts in the "no plugin" script editor for any game engine or programming language. All sprite sheet information is displayed and updated instantly as you drag your images on the canvas.
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Showing results for "sprite sheet" as the word tool is considered too common
Sprite Monkey Junior is a script editor for Mac computers.
create basic sprite...Color and Sprite Sheet Number ...the sprite sheet/strip
imSpriteSheet is a sprite sheet generator application.
imSpriteSheet is a sprite sheet generator export sprite sheets as PNG
CSS sprite is a technique to combine multiple images into one big image.
CSS sprite...CSS Sprite, both sprite...generates efficient sprite
Quick Sprites simplifies the creation and maintenance of CSS sprite sheets.
your websites. A sprite sheet is a single...the resulting sprite
Enables to take an animation created in Flash & generate a sprite sheet from it.
generate a sprite sheet from it. A sprite
Complete game studio for quickly building high quality native iOS games with Objective-C and Xcode.
management and sprite sheet generation
Streamlined and powerful utility that features an intuitive interface for easily generating sprite sheets (a.k.a....
easily generating sprite sheets (a.k.a. texture...memory - Restrict sprite sheet size
Intense Action game featuring more than 14 types of extensive AI driven opponents...
opponents, polished Sprite Sheet-based
Marmoset Hexels is a unique, grid-based painting tool for vector art, pixel art, design, and animation....
timeline. Export a sprite
It is a simple 2D sprite animation tool for working with sprite sheets.
2D sprite...working with sprite sheets...organize your sprite
Pickle is a cross-platform pixel editor for creating game animations.
and sprite sheets. You can import sprite
Edge Animate lets web designers create interactive HTML animations for web.
video. Import sprite
Helps web developers quickly assemble large numbers of sprite sheets.
numbers of sprite sheets (such...three-state sprite images...and final sprite images can
2D sprite packing utility used to optimize sprites and pack them into efficient texture atlases.
is a 2D sprite optimize sprites and pack...for multiple sprites
Plist Extractor can extract PNG image files from sprite sheets.
files from sprite sheets (.pvr, .ccz