Mac users interested in Qr code generator for mac os x generally download:
Integrate the widget into the Dashboard on your Mac to create QR codes from regular texts. Select the material and automatically transform it into code, monitor the process and make adjustments according to the specifications of your materials and the task at hand.
GenerateThis is a simple QR-code generator. The application has the ability to generate QR-codes from a URL. All you need to do is enter the URL and press Generate. Once the QR-code is created, the graphic will be exported automatically to your Photos library for later use.
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Generate individual or sequential barcodes on your Mac.
2-D (Datamatrix and QR Code, etc.) barcode...print the generated barcodes, directly
Generates a QRCode from any string or vCard file on your Mac.
QR Code Generator is an application that generates...file. The code can
Create QR Codes inside your composition in custom sizes, colors, background blending, border size.
Create QR Code...Supported QR Code...panning and QR Code moving
Lets you generate QR code instantly and effortlessly.
create QR-Codes. Features: – Live creation QR-Codes...generate and share your own QR codes
Enter the QR code content and generate a QR code image.
QRcoder is a QR code easily generate custom QR codes
Make beautiful customized QR codes easily within few clicks.
styles. With generated QR code you can...later (Dynamic QR code generator) PDF vector
QR Crafter is a simple and easy-to-use QR code generator.
to-use QR code generator with comprehensive...QR Crafter you can easily generate QR codes
Create beautifully designed QR codes with a QR custom code generator.
designed QR codes. It is a custom code generator...create a customized QR code
NOTE TO SNOW LEOPARD USERS iSight Scanning is a Lion Only feature.
a QR code generator that makes creating QR codes a snap
QR Clipboard generates QR code from the clipboard text.
QR Clipboard generates QR code...The QR code...the QR code is generated
Generate QR Code, PDF417, and Data Matrix bar codes directly in any Adobe InDesign document.
Code Module is designed to generate QR Code...The QR Code...test the QR Codes
A quick and effective solution to create QR-Codes.
QR-Codes is done instantly. The generated QR-Codes...of the generated QR-Code
QR Code Generator Pro is a QR code generator application for Mac.
QR Code Generator to generate QR as a QR code
Create your own QR codes and to send data to your...
QRBeam is a QR code generator...create its QR code - Save QR codes
Make an infographic that everyone loves.
tools, barcode generators, QR code generators, map