Mac users interested in Pantone color app generally download:
COLOR MANAGER Software is a robust desktop application for the that provides the assurance and confidence to use the latest PANTONE Colors accurately.
COLOR MANAGER will update all of the PANTONE libraries – more than 9,000 colors in all, including the dazzling new PLUS SERIES Colors – and make them ready to use in your QuarkXPress®, Corel® and Adobe® Creative Suite® design programs.
Overdrive is a PostScript® RIP that delivers high-end color, accurate proofing and Pantone® matching. Overdrive can use any paper manufacturer's RGB ICC profiles. Available for Mac OS X only.
Overdrive lets you build print environments so there's only one selection needed at print time. Page format and color errors are minimized by merging all of your printing parameters into a single click.
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Showing results for "pantone color" as the word app is considered too common
Raster image processor (RIP) for Epson printers.
Pantone colors into the spot color table. the spot color
AbsoluteProof, a tax deductible Subscription digital proofing solution that gives excellent CMYK colormatching and Accurate Pantone Matching....
Accurate Pantone Matching...of Pantone colors as specials...of Pantone colors with accuracy
If you use one of many Adobe products, then you may have used one of the standard sets of colour swatches......
such as Pantone or Trumatch...create custom color a Pantone color
Take the guesswork out of color reproduction with this graphics program plug-in.
ColorReady by Pantone...customized color palettes...accurate color representation
Update your registered copy of ColorReady to 1.0.1.
ColorReady by Pantone...customized color palettes...inconsistent color output
Apply Hexachrome colors and create quality separations for vector graphics within Adobe Illustrator....
large color gamut of Pantone Hexachrome...2,000 Pantone Hexachrome colors on coated
WIZARD MIO Color Management Software allows creative and pre press professionals.
and color correction...entire color space - Spot color...and the PANTONE MATCHING
Color in your photos, color in your designs, color on your display.
about the color. Color...TRUE COLOR...calibration increases color