Mac users interested in Cubase 5 free trial generally download:
Cubase AI 5 is a lean Cubase version tailored to users looking to record their music without additional bells and whistles. Based on the same core technologies as the Steinberg Cubase 5 advanced music production system, the Cubase AI 5 offers great tools for composition, recording, editing and mixing.
Create and enhance music compositions in a wide range of genres, including indie rock or pop, metal, classical, hip hop, rap, techno, etc. Record tracks or access a wide range of pre-made instrument sounds and loops. Use automatic voicing harmonization, beat creation and mangling tools and add synths and effects.
Cubase LE is a special compact version offering all the basic tools for recording, editing and mixing everything from the basic idea to the final masterpiece. Cubase LE offers powerful yet easy-to-use software tools for a large range of music styles exclusive to customers of selected hardware.
VocALign PRO (V4)works with Pro Tools, Logic 8/9, Cubase and Nuendo.
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It is a synthesizer featuring both subtractive synthesis and frequency modulation (FM) synthesis.
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MOTIF XF Editor Standalone / VST works as a VST3 plug-in with Cubase series.
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Teaches you how to make your music-making experience better.
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It can be used to compress folders containing wave files among other files.
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“uDMX - MIDI Interface” is a stand alone Application for Mac OS X.
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VST Connect SE allows musicians to connect directly to each other.
don’t own Cubase, thanks
Add live effects to music and create new compositions.
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Easy MIDI Free turns your Mac keyboard into a powerful MIDI keyboard controller.
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Find the perceived loudness of audio and prepare it for TV or streaming service.
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Apollo Sound Injector is a Mac desktop app that can receive audio stream.
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Emulate of the analog 'Deep Crunch' guitar pedal using VST plugin.
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Virtual Heavy Tone is the official VST plugin emulation of the analog boutique guitar pedal manufactured by Heptode....
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