Recent activity

Removed 8 months ago
Tenorshare 4uKey
Tenorshare 4uKey - Unlock your iPhone when you forgot or don't know the passcode.
Installed 8 months ago
Universe - Create a great looking website and start selling online in minutes.
Removed 8 months ago
Universe - Create a great looking website and start selling online in minutes.
Installed 8 months ago
TripIt - Keep up with your travel plans whether you’re at your desk or on the go.
Bitwarden - Store logins and passwords and sync them across all of your devices.
View all 5 programs
Removed 8 months ago
Brave Browser
Brave Browser - Browse safer without intrusive adds on internet pages.
Installed 8 months ago
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Excel - Create, view, edit, and share your spreadsheets using Excel for Mac.
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Word - Create, edit, collaborate, and share documents using Word for Mac.
Removed 8 months ago
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Excel - Create, view, edit, and share your spreadsheets using Excel for Mac.
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Word - Create, edit, collaborate, and share documents using Word for Mac.
Installed 8 months ago
VirtualDJ - A modern DJ tool packed with lots of useful features.
Removed 8 months ago
VirtualDJ - A modern DJ tool packed with lots of useful features.
Installed 8 months ago
TeamViewer - Access your computer while traveling and share your screen for remote support.
Removed 8 months ago
TeamViewer - Access your computer while traveling and share your screen for remote support.
Installed 8 months ago
Captize - Extract contact information and create PDFs to optimize your workflow.
Removed 8 months ago
Captize - Extract contact information and create PDFs to optimize your workflow.
Installed 8 months ago
Day One
Day One - Easiest and best-looking way to use a journal / diary / text-logging application for the Mac.
AdBlock - Removes YouTube and other video ads before you see them.
View all 5 programs
Removed 8 months ago
EOBD-Facile - Diagnose your car without going to a mechanic by using powerful features.
Installed 9 months ago
Vinegar - Replaces the YouTube player with a minimal HTML video tag.
AdBlock Pro
AdBlock Pro - Speed up your Safari by blocking ads, banners, trackers, and autoplay videos.
Whatsapp - Send messages, have group chats, and share pictures using the Whatsapp services.
Removed 9 months ago
Whatsapp - Send messages, have group chats, and share pictures using the Whatsapp services.
Vinegar - Replaces the YouTube player with a minimal HTML video tag.
AdBlock Pro
AdBlock Pro - Speed up your Safari by blocking ads, banners, trackers, and autoplay videos.
Installed 9 months ago
Google Chrome
Google Chrome - Explore the web using Google's super-fast browser.
Removed 9 months ago
Google Chrome
Google Chrome - Explore the web using Google's super-fast browser.
Installed 9 months ago
Brave Browser
Brave Browser - Browse safer without intrusive adds on internet pages.
Removed 9 months ago
Brave Browser
Brave Browser - Browse safer without intrusive adds on internet pages.
Installed 9 months ago
Universe - Create a great looking website and start selling online in minutes.
Removed 9 months ago
Universe - Create a great looking website and start selling online in minutes.
Installed 9 months ago
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Excel - Create, view, edit, and share your spreadsheets using Excel for Mac.
Removed 9 months ago
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Excel - Create, view, edit, and share your spreadsheets using Excel for Mac.
Installed 9 months ago
Whatsapp - Send messages, have group chats, and share pictures using the Whatsapp services.
AdGuard for Safari
AdGuard for Safari - Blocks advertisements and banners from websites improving the user's experience.
Removed 9 months ago
Whatsapp - Send messages, have group chats, and share pictures using the Whatsapp services.
AdGuard for Safari
AdGuard for Safari - Blocks advertisements and banners from websites improving the user's experience.
Installed 9 months ago
Universe - Create a great looking website and start selling online in minutes.
Captize - Extract contact information and create PDFs to optimize your workflow.
Removed 9 months ago
Captize - Extract contact information and create PDFs to optimize your workflow.
Universe - Create a great looking website and start selling online in minutes.
Installed 9 months ago
Google Chrome
Google Chrome - Explore the web using Google's super-fast browser.
Removed 9 months ago
Google Chrome
Google Chrome - Explore the web using Google's super-fast browser.
Installed 9 months ago
Tenorshare 4uKey
Tenorshare 4uKey - Unlock your iPhone when you forgot or don't know the passcode.
Google Chrome
Google Chrome - Explore the web using Google's super-fast browser.
Removed 9 months ago
Google Chrome
Google Chrome - Explore the web using Google's super-fast browser.
Installed 9 months ago
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Word - Create, edit, collaborate, and share documents using Word for Mac.
Removed 9 months ago
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Word - Create, edit, collaborate, and share documents using Word for Mac.
Installed 9 months ago
Captize - Extract contact information and create PDFs to optimize your workflow.
Removed 9 months ago
Captize - Extract contact information and create PDFs to optimize your workflow.
Installed 9 months ago
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Excel - Create, view, edit, and share your spreadsheets using Excel for Mac.
Removed 9 months ago
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Excel - Create, view, edit, and share your spreadsheets using Excel for Mac.
Installed 9 months ago
Universe - Create a great looking website and start selling online in minutes.
Removed 9 months ago
Universe - Create a great looking website and start selling online in minutes.
Installed 10 months ago
Removed 10 months ago
Installed 10 months ago
Universe - Create a great looking website and start selling online in minutes.
Whatsapp - Send messages, have group chats, and share pictures using the Whatsapp services.
Removed 10 months ago
Universe - Create a great looking website and start selling online in minutes.
Whatsapp - Send messages, have group chats, and share pictures using the Whatsapp services.
Installed 10 months ago
Captize - Extract contact information and create PDFs to optimize your workflow.
Removed 10 months ago
Captize - Extract contact information and create PDFs to optimize your workflow.
Installed 10 months ago
VirtualDJ - A modern DJ tool packed with lots of useful features.
Google Chrome
Google Chrome - Explore the web using Google's super-fast browser.
Removed 10 months ago
Google Chrome
Google Chrome - Explore the web using Google's super-fast browser.
Installed 10 months ago
Captize - Extract contact information and create PDFs to optimize your workflow.
1Blocker - Improve your online security by blocking obtrusive ads or sneaky trackers.
Removed 10 months ago
Captize - Extract contact information and create PDFs to optimize your workflow.
1Blocker - Improve your online security by blocking obtrusive ads or sneaky trackers.
Installed 10 months ago
AdGuard for Safari
AdGuard for Safari - Blocks advertisements and banners from websites improving the user's experience.
Removed 10 months ago
AdGuard for Safari
AdGuard for Safari - Blocks advertisements and banners from websites improving the user's experience.
Installed 10 months ago
Universe - Create a great looking website and start selling online in minutes.
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Excel - Create, view, edit, and share your spreadsheets using Excel for Mac.
View all 4 programs
Removed 10 months ago
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Word - Create, edit, collaborate, and share documents using Word for Mac.
Installed 10 months ago
Removed 10 months ago
Installed 10 months ago
TeamViewer - Access your computer while traveling and share your screen for remote support.
Removed 10 months ago
TeamViewer - Access your computer while traveling and share your screen for remote support.
Installed 10 months ago
Google Chrome
Google Chrome - Explore the web using Google's super-fast browser.
Removed 10 months ago
Google Chrome
Google Chrome - Explore the web using Google's super-fast browser.
Installed 10 months ago
Captize - Extract contact information and create PDFs to optimize your workflow.
Whatsapp - Send messages, have group chats, and share pictures using the Whatsapp services.
Removed 10 months ago
Captize - Extract contact information and create PDFs to optimize your workflow.
Whatsapp - Send messages, have group chats, and share pictures using the Whatsapp services.
Installed 11 months ago
Google Chrome
Google Chrome - Explore the web using Google's super-fast browser.
Removed 11 months ago
Google Chrome
Google Chrome - Explore the web using Google's super-fast browser.
Installed 11 months ago
Google Chrome
Google Chrome - Explore the web using Google's super-fast browser.
Removed 11 months ago
Google Chrome
Google Chrome - Explore the web using Google's super-fast browser.
Installed 11 months ago
TeamViewer - Access your computer while traveling and share your screen for remote support.
Removed 11 months ago
TeamViewer - Access your computer while traveling and share your screen for remote support.
Captize - Extract contact information and create PDFs to optimize your workflow.