Recent activity

Installed Last month
Brave Browser
Brave Browser - Browse safer without intrusive adds on internet pages.
Removed Last month
Brave Browser
Brave Browser - Browse safer without intrusive adds on internet pages.
Installed Last month
Removed Last month
Installed Last month
Removed Last month
Installed Last month
Google Chrome
Google Chrome - Explore the web using Google's super-fast browser.
Removed Last month
Google Chrome
Google Chrome - Explore the web using Google's super-fast browser.
Installed Last month
Google Chrome
Google Chrome - Explore the web using Google's super-fast browser.
Removed Last month
Google Chrome
Google Chrome - Explore the web using Google's super-fast browser.
Installed Last month
Whatsapp - Send messages, have group chats, and share pictures using the Whatsapp services.
Removed Last month
Whatsapp - Send messages, have group chats, and share pictures using the Whatsapp services.
Installed Last month
OneDrive - Upload your files to your Cloud service account and share them with the world.
Removed Last month
OneDrive - Upload your files to your Cloud service account and share them with the world.
Installed Last month
Telegram - A desktop messenger that allows using the services of Telegram.
Removed Last month
Telegram - A desktop messenger that allows using the services of Telegram.
Installed Last month
Telegram - A desktop messenger that allows using the services of Telegram.
Removed Last month
Telegram - A desktop messenger that allows using the services of Telegram.
Installed Last month
Google Chrome
Google Chrome - Explore the web using Google's super-fast browser.
Removed Last month
Google Chrome
Google Chrome - Explore the web using Google's super-fast browser.
Installed Last month
Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams - Connect and collaborate with anyone from anywhere.
Removed Last month
Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams - Connect and collaborate with anyone from anywhere.
Installed Last month
Google Chrome
Google Chrome - Explore the web using Google's super-fast browser.
Removed Last month
Google Chrome
Google Chrome - Explore the web using Google's super-fast browser.
Installed Last month
Removed Last month
Installed Last month
Grammarly for Safari
Grammarly for Safari - Enhances your written communication everywhere you type.
Removed Last month
Grammarly for Safari
Grammarly for Safari - Enhances your written communication everywhere you type.
Installed Last month
Google Chrome
Google Chrome - Explore the web using Google's super-fast browser.
Removed Last month
Google Chrome
Google Chrome - Explore the web using Google's super-fast browser.
Installed Last month
Figma - Figma is an interface design tool with real-time collaboration.
Removed Last month
Figma - Figma is an interface design tool with real-time collaboration.
Installed Last month
ChatGPT - Makes ChatGPT live in your menu bar for fast recalling whenever necessary.
Removed Last month
ChatGPT - Makes ChatGPT live in your menu bar for fast recalling whenever necessary.
Installed Last month
Removed Last month
Installed Last month
Spotify - Streaming music service that gives you on-demand access to millions of songs.
Removed Last month
Spotify - Streaming music service that gives you on-demand access to millions of songs.
Installed Last month
Docker - An integrated, easy-to-deploy environment for building, assembling...
Whatsapp - Send messages, have group chats, and share pictures using the Whatsapp services.
Removed 2 months ago
Whatsapp - Send messages, have group chats, and share pictures using the Whatsapp services.
Installed 2 months ago
Removed 2 months ago
Installed 2 months ago
Google Chrome
Google Chrome - Explore the web using Google's super-fast browser.
Removed 2 months ago
Google Chrome
Google Chrome - Explore the web using Google's super-fast browser.
Installed 2 months ago
Brave Browser
Brave Browser - Browse safer without intrusive adds on internet pages.
Removed 2 months ago
Brave Browser
Brave Browser - Browse safer without intrusive adds on internet pages.
Installed 2 months ago
Google Chrome
Google Chrome - Explore the web using Google's super-fast browser.
Removed 2 months ago
Google Chrome
Google Chrome - Explore the web using Google's super-fast browser.
Installed 2 months ago
Microsoft OneNote
Microsoft OneNote - Capture your thoughts, discoveries, and ideas in your very own digital notebook.
Removed 2 months ago
Microsoft OneNote
Microsoft OneNote - Capture your thoughts, discoveries, and ideas in your very own digital notebook.
Installed 2 months ago
OneDrive - Upload your files to your Cloud service account and share them with the world.
Removed 2 months ago
OneDrive - Upload your files to your Cloud service account and share them with the world.
Installed 2 months ago
ChatGPT - Makes ChatGPT live in your menu bar for fast recalling whenever necessary.
Removed 2 months ago
ChatGPT - Makes ChatGPT live in your menu bar for fast recalling whenever necessary.
Installed 2 months ago
Whatsapp - Send messages, have group chats, and share pictures using the Whatsapp services.
Removed 2 months ago
Whatsapp - Send messages, have group chats, and share pictures using the Whatsapp services.
Installed 2 months ago
Zoho Mail - Desktop
Zoho Mail - Desktop - Brings the comfort of your webmail in your desktop.
Spotify - Streaming music service that gives you on-demand access to millions of songs.
Removed 2 months ago
Spotify - Streaming music service that gives you on-demand access to millions of songs.
Installed 2 months ago
Removed 2 months ago
Installed 2 months ago
Zed - Zed is a fully offline-capable, keyboard-focused, text and code editor.
Telegram - A desktop messenger that allows using the services of Telegram.
Removed 2 months ago
Telegram - A desktop messenger that allows using the services of Telegram.
Installed 2 months ago
Notion Web Clipper
Notion Web Clipper - Save any page on the web to your Notion workspace to read or use later.
ChatGPT - Makes ChatGPT live in your menu bar for fast recalling whenever necessary.
Removed 2 months ago
ChatGPT - Makes ChatGPT live in your menu bar for fast recalling whenever necessary.
Installed 2 months ago
Telegram - A desktop messenger that allows using the services of Telegram.
Removed 2 months ago
Telegram - A desktop messenger that allows using the services of Telegram.
Installed 2 months ago
Removed 2 months ago
Installed 2 months ago
Removed 2 months ago
Installed 2 months ago
Brave Browser
Brave Browser - Browse safer without intrusive adds on internet pages.
Removed 2 months ago
Brave Browser
Brave Browser - Browse safer without intrusive adds on internet pages.
Installed 2 months ago
OneDrive - Upload your files to your Cloud service account and share them with the world.
Removed 2 months ago
OneDrive - Upload your files to your Cloud service account and share them with the world.
blender - Open-source software for 3D modeling, animation, rendering, post-production, interactive creation and playback.
UPDF - Edit the text's properties and formats of any PDF file.
View all 5 programs
Installed 2 months ago
blender - Open-source software for 3D modeling, animation, rendering, post-production, interactive creation and playback.
Brave Browser
Brave Browser - Browse safer without intrusive adds on internet pages.
Removed 2 months ago
Brave Browser
Brave Browser - Browse safer without intrusive adds on internet pages.
Installed 2 months ago
Grammarly for Safari
Grammarly for Safari - Enhances your written communication everywhere you type.
Adobe Lightroom
Adobe Lightroom - Available as part of Adobe Creative Cloud for as little as $9.99/month bundled with Photoshop CC as part of the photography package.
View all 4 programs