Xudoku 1.0

Play a variety of custom puzzles using a variety of chinese characters...
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1.0 See all
Stephen Marshall
3.3 MB
Used by 2 people
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Xudoku provides a rich variety of Sudoku puzzling features and alternatives - either create new puzzles to test your ingenuity or enter puzzles directly yourself. As well as traditional number Sudoku, you can play with words, Chinese numbers and other pictures.

Play your own or randomly generated Sudoku puzzles in a resizable window. You can add notes, time your attempts and get assistance including hints, information about possible values, or even solve the puzzle when it gets too hard. Extensive preferences allow you to choose how much (or little) help you get as well as choose the colours used.

Test your vocabulary with the word puzzles - solve the nine letter word puzzle in the middle while solving the surrounding letter Xudoku.

Play a variety of custom puzzles using a variety of chinese characters, alchemical symbols, pictures and colours.

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