Wallpaper of the Day keeps your desktop background interesting and fun!


Wallpaper of the Day keeps your desktop background interesting and fun! It automatically downloads images from your choice of internet sources, including flickr's most interesting photos of the day, National Geographic's photo of the day, NASA astronomy photos - and much more.

Refresh the image daily, or as often as you want!
★Add your own image feeds!
★See a photo you love? Hit the pause button and keep it there as long as you like - or save it! Tip: set up a "favorites" folder and include it as a source to keep your favorites around forever!
★Want to learn more about a picture? Click the "open web page" button to open the original web site for the photo!
★Mix in local image folders along with internet sources
★Block any images you don't like - they will never load again!
★Automatically save all downloaded images

David Johnson
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