VoodooPad is a place to write down your notes and thoughts.


VoodooPad is a place to write down your notes and thoughts. Ideas, images, lists, passwords, your mom's apple pie recipe.

Anything you need to keep track of and organize. VoodooPad will grow with you without getting in the way. Drag and drop folders, PDFs, applications, or URLs into VoodooPad, and they will link up just like on the web. And with powerful search, nothing will be lost or out of reach.
With VoodooPad's powerful encryption you can easily organize passwords, usernames, registration information, and accounts. You can encrypt single pages or your entire document.
Organize your shopping, travel, and home repair by importing coupons, important receipts, & travel documents into VoodooPad. Link to favorite items, preferred stores, hotels, rental companies, and other businesses. Create lists detailing your plans!
Keep your research organized and logical by taking advantage of VoodooPad's wiki links, tags, aliases, and powerful search. Import research articles, class notes, and link to websites. Merge and split your information as it grows!
Need to share your VoodooPad document? VoodooPad has a built-in web server to share documents over a local network. Want to share your document as a website? Export your pages as html documents. Need VoodooPad on the go? Use VP Reader to access your document on the iPhone or iPad.

This program received 1 award
Flying Meat
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