Twitter client with message store capability.

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TwitterPod is a Twitter client with message store capability. The messages by your friends and by yourself will all be stored and displayed on an easy-to-navigate window.

Other features include:
- posting messages: when you post messages with TwitterPod, you can add your location as a postfix from a simple and intuitive menu. (e.g. [San Francisco, CA], [Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo] or [home] )
- information drawer: information drawer will display either one of the followings:
- if the selected message includes an URL, it will display the Web page.
- if the selected message includes location within [ ], it will try to display that location using Google Map
- if the selected message includes none of the above, it will display that message as a single Web page
- Tools menu: the Tools menu has such feature as reply, open UserPage, Open Link in Messages, Open Permalink and "Get URL from Safari" You can also customize the window by making it transparent or adding a background image, etc.Try clicking on the face icon, user name and messages and see what happens for yourself.TwitterPod is the most popular Mac OS X Twitter client from Japan. Developed by the author as SpiritedAway.

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