Starfish X (G3) 2.0

Free Create and manage random or calculated desktop patterns.
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Latest version:
2.0 See all
M. Scott Marcy
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This program generates desktop patterns based on configurable settings and algorithms. It is based on Mars Saxman's original Mac OS 9 implementation of Starfish. Using the progarm is simple: select a palette, image size, tiling arrangment, and pattern algorithm. The program will generate a pattern based on your settings, and then apply the pattern to your desktop. You can store up to 500 patterns in the program itself, and select the best ones to save to your hard drive. The application provides support for multiple monitors, as well as for TIFF and JPEG image files.
This edition of Starfish is tuned down for optimal performance on G3 computers. For computers with a G4 processor, download the standard Starfish X.



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