Ever since Apple launched Mountain Lion, each new macOS version offered you the abilities to rearrange and remove Menu Bar items. Sadly, you still don't get access to options for hiding your Menu Bar icons for a certain amount of time. For this reason, programs like Bartender were created.
This utility gives you access to various options for keeping your Menu Bar clean. With its help, you can hide the items you don't need on the screen while keeping the necessary Menu Bar icons visible at all times. The program automatically identifies every icon from your Menu Bar and gives you access to view options for each of the listed items.
To enable Bartender's Menu Bar cleaning feature, simply click its icon (it's located on your Menu Bar). Click its icon again to reveal all items in the Menu Bar.
In addition, you can define various global hotkeys for immediately completing Bartender-related tasks, like showing all Menu Bar icons. It also uses a very small amount of CPU resources while operating in your Menu Bar.
To conclude, you should give Bartender a try if you're looking for a simple and quick way to organize and clean up your Menu Bar.
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