SnapMotion : Easily extract images from video 5.2

Capture images from video files using a manual or automatic method.
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5.2.4 See all

Take snapshots of movies on your Mac. Use a manual way by choosing a particular time or set your screenshots to be taken automatically every selected number of seconds. Resize the snapshots before you save them. Watch any video format that can be opened in Quicktime X.

SnapMotion is an application designed to help you capture still images from playing videos. You will be able to take as many snapshots as you want, either manually or automatically. The pictures can be exported as PNG, JPEG, TIFF, and HEIC images or converted into animated GIF files.

The program comes with two extraction modes. Therefore, you can use the manual mode to capture a precise image at the selected time of a video file, or you can enable the batch processing mode to extract concurrent frames from a determined video timeframe. The total number of snapshots taken from within a timeframe can be set from Preferences. If by any chance, the video was recorded upside down, the application can rotate the video directly in the player so you can take the right snapshots. The extracted images can be previewed, exported to supported image formats, and shared to social networks from within the program.

To conclude, SnapMotion is an easy-to-use snapshot-taking application that allows you to retrieve still images out of video recordings. The ability to extract multiple frames automatically is the tool's major asset.

ID Senior editor
Ioana Dumitrescu
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Screenshots (14)

Review summary


  • Extract multiple frames automatically
  • Share images from within the app
  • Can determine the number of snapshots to be taken from a video timeframe
  • Rename output filenames


  • Can't adjust the quality of the extracted images


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