Salery web store software allows you to quickly set up your own on-line web shop. If you have a homepage, you can update your web store from within Salery without using separate FTP software. Salery web store software is the perfect solution for small on-line businesses. You don't need special hardware or a dedicated server, there is no need for complex php scripts, cgi's and sql databases and you don't need to pay even a small amount of money for advertised items.
Salery lets you maintain a database in the simplest way possible. Just start Salery, enter a title and a description for the item you want to sell, decide on the price and whether you want to use PayPal, and on to the next item.
Salery can keep a library of all pictures you use. You can use pictures again and don't need to worry about where to store files that you might need later. Salery makes it easy to design your web page. It creates a style sheet that is included with the web pages it generates. Salery users who have experience with designing homepages may replace the style sheet with their own.
A great feature is Salery's ability to directly upload your web shop to your FTP account. Almost every ISP offers an FTP account with your subscription. Salery makes it easy to set up your FTP account and to make your web shop accessible to the entire internet.
Salery has many advantages, compared to other on-line web stores. You don't pay for advertisements, auctions or sales. Items in your store can be on-line as long as you like, without additional cost. You don't have to re-enter items in your web store every 10 days. You don't need to pay for additional server space, while you have a paid hosting service already. Salery is not a slow and untransparent browser-based system but an easy and quick programme running on your own computer. There is no programming involved.
What's new in this version:
Salery Web Store Software 1.1.6 provides several corrections in the Spanish translation of the web store.