Rhyme Genie is a Mac program that comes in handy to copywriters and lyricists who require some assistance in finding phonetic similarities or exact word matches to a specific term. Its powerful algorithm provides you with dozens of possible rhyme matches which you can copy to clipboard and paste into your writings.
You can use this application as a source of inspiration whenever you write lyrics for a song, advertising slogans, headlines, and much more. After you enter a search term, Rhyme Genie offers you syllable and phonetic matching synonyms for you to use in your writing piece. If you want, you can narrow down the results to display only the words from a specific lexical category, like adjectives or verbs.
An aspect I like about working with this rhyming dictionary is that it allows you to keep a record of potential entries from the result list. You can copy these word matches to clipboard and use them later in your word processing program.
Briefly, Rhyme Genie proves to be a great writing solution when it comes to finding rhyme matches for song lyrics, advertising slogans or headlines. It's very simple to use, brings you dozens of possible matches, and its price is reasonable.