QSnipps is a simple to use OS X app that will help you to store and organize all your favorite programming snippets.
Here are some of the features: Works on your Mac, Windows or Linux PC; It's simple, fast and easy to use; Organize your snippets library in categories, subcategories and by using tags; File attachement support for attaching additional files to your snippets; The main database can be placed in a shareable folder (Dropbox, Skydrive, etc.), to have your entire snippets library on your Mac, Windows or Linux systems; Syntax highlighting support for the most common programming languages + the possibility to create custom languages; Built-in feature that monitors the clipboard for text snippets copied from websites or other places; Built-in advanced search feature that gives the user the ability to quickly search and use any of his existing snippets; Snipplr.com built-in support. See, use or save all your snipplr.com favorite snippets; Built-in support to run/execute shell/dos commands; Best support in the world.