PTGui Pro 12.9

Allows stitching photographs to create different types of panoramas.
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New House Internet Services B.V.
Used by 172 people
Awards: Mac Informer Editor Rating 5
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PTGui Pro allows stitching photographs to create panoramas. In this regard, the application supports processing very large HDR multirow panoramas, which may give you an idea of its power. Besides, it gives sufficient control of the results by hiding undesired elements, straightening tilted horizons or editing control points.

The tool has a carefully-designed interface, which matches its basic workflow consisting in loading photos, aligning them and creating the panorama. However, beginners may find the learning curve particularly steep when intending to use those more sophisticated features. Fortunately, there is plenty of help available in the form of documents and tutorials.

As said, PTGui Pro can create huge gigapixel panoramas by stitching various rows of photographs with a field of view of up to 360° x 180°. In automatic mode, it can effectively solve various common problems, such as image tilt and exposure variations, which guarantees a high-quality output even when the source is not perfect.

In manual mode, you can use the editor to adjust interaction with the panorama. In this respect, it lets you move or rotate the panorama along the projection surface. Likewise, it allows setting the center point both manually or automatically.

PTGui Pro uses state-of-the-art technology, so it can process panoramas reasonably fast. This tool is among the most accurate available, its blending algorithm generates almost invisible seams. Unfortunately, failing to stitch photos as expected has been reported, rarely though. more

PC Senior editor
Pedro Castro
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Screenshots (7)

Review summary


  • Supports HDR panoramas
  • Manual and automatic modes
  • Fast processing
  • Works quite well even with handheld photos
  • Supports huge and multirow panoramas
  • Creates spherical panoramas


  • May still fail to stitch photos as expected


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