Onde ClipBuddy is a fully-featured clipboard management tool. From the moment you first run it, the application will start recording everything that you copy, be it texts, images or other files. This information is saved so that you can use it later.
There are two components that make up this tool. First, we have the main window from where you can browse all your clippings. Here, you will find a list of everything that was recorded by the app, and there is even a search feature that makes it extremely easy to find clippings, especially when you have too many to browse through manually. Each clipping is previewed when you click on it. There are normal and hexadecimal views which can come in handy in certain cases. The other half of the application runs on the menubar. There is an icon that opens up a small menu that displays the last clippings. You can click on a clipping to paste it on your active program, and you can even hold the "Alt" key to copy a text as a plain one.
I work with a text a lot, and I know that a clipboard manager is a great tool to have. This one works quite well. I like all the thought put into the design. I can't but mention a search feature and metadata for every clipping saved to let me know what application the text was copied from, when, etc.