Collection of 100 high-quality templates for Apple Mail.

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Mail Stationery Smart is a collection of 100 high-quality templates for Apple Mail. Sixty-six business-oriented designs have been adapted from the existing templates and themes of the Pages Templates Expert, Pages Templates Pro, and Keynote Themes collections.

Not only do they make your email newsletters and proposals look more professional and compelling, but they also give you a chance to refine your entire corporate style with matching products from our array of products.
The remaining 34 stationery templates are designed for those little everyday instances when ordinary words are just not enough. Whether you want to wish your colleague a happy birthday, invite your significant other for a movie night, or share a joke with your friends, Mail Stationery Smart will deliver. Fill your emails with warmth and occasional cheek to make your daily life just a tad more marvellous.
Mail Stationery Smart covers the same features that made the previous versions so popular: a clean-cut style and high functionality combined with the powerful pull of personalization. You can edit all text content, including the colorful headings with custom fonts. Mix your own photos with an elegant stationery template, and a positive reaction from your recipients is guaranteed.

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