iWebSites questions & answers

What is iWebSites? It is a program that enhances iWeb by manipulating the...
Question by Guest
January 28, 2014

I love iWebSites and I'd love to keep using it on my new computer. I have iWeb and I have iWebSites all set up. I also have all my site files. However how do find my old sites in iWebsites?

Answer by Julia Bocchetta

To locate all your created websites, simply go to the following location on your storage unit: Users/username/Library/Application Support/iWeb where 'username' is the username under which you are currently logged on.

In Mac OS X Lion, the Library folder is invisible. To make it visible again, open a Terminal window and type: chflags nohidden ~/Library. Enter your password then go to the location posted above.

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Advanced Web Ranking

Advanced Web Ranking makes generating site-ranking reports easy: let's face it, checking your Web site position is a very time consuming task.

Web Confidential

Web Confidential allows Web surfers to store URLs, user IDs, and passwords in one secure location.

SEO Checker

Scans your website and provides data that you can use to optimize its SEO.