iTrash is a Mac program for immediately removing applications, widgets, plugins, and PrefPanes files from your computer. By working with this utility you eliminate the risk of dealing with leftover files after uninstalling programs from your Mac.
All you need to do is to launch iTrash, drag-and-drop the application you wish to delete over the program's interface, and you will immediately get access to any file that's related to the selected utility. You can then choose which of the associated files to be removed from your computer. The entire process takes a very small amount of time to be completed.
You can uninstall multiple applications at the same time, use the built-in search tool to find the item you wish to remove from your computer, and maintain a list containing the programs you wish to keep safe from deletion. In addition, the utility comes with an option called "Ghost Mode" which, once enabled, will automatically launch iTrash every time you try to delete an app from your Mac. Hence, the program can run in the background and pop-up when needed, without slowing down the performance of your computer.
To be honest, I can't find a single bad thing to say about this program. It does exactly what's being said on its homepage, is intuitive, and works fast.
In conclusion, you should give iTrash a try if you're looking for an efficient app uninstaller for your Mac.
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