Inspire Finance offers a simple and comfortable method of finance management. Use it for better control of your home finances. Save all of your expenses and income. Plan your budget to start saving money. The entered transactions can be filtered and sorted according to your needs. The use of categories will guarantee higher transparency of your budget and the schedule will allow you to instantly enter your payment timetable. Features Modern, transparent and intuitive user interface Transparent division into wallets, categories and transactions Wallet themes altering the program's appearance Over 120 category icons Viewing transactions with monthly or annual division Transaction filtering and sorting Initial balance, balance adjustments, credit transfer Transfer of transactions between wallets Payment schedule Calendar view allowing for viewing a transaction on a day-to-day basis Numerous charts and statistics Event view for pending and belated transactions Complex expense limits Built-in mini calculator Program access code Export of transactions to *.csv (Numbers) and *.txt (TextEdit) files ICloud and Dropbox synchronization Program localization into 5 languages
The free Lite version includes access to all features of the program for an unlimited period of time. You can have up to 60 transactions in all your wallets.
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