Houbysoft Calculator is the only calculator you’ll need! Whether you want to do simple calculations, trigonometry using any angle measurement type, vector cross products, statistics, unit conversions, graphs, programming, chemistry, Fibonacci numbers, combinatorics, matrix multiplication… this calculator has you covered. It works with complex numbers, numbers in hexadecimal, binary, or decimal bases, and it even accepts RPN-style input if you select the appropriate option in preferences. Results are given to arbitrary precision; select whatever you need in the preferences!
And it doesn’t end at numbers; Houbysoft Calculator draws pretty graphs, too. A specialized graphing window gives you access to powerful graphing capabilities; Houbysoft Calculator can draw 8 different types of graphs. Those include a typical 2D function graph (including suport for complex-valued functions), 3D function graphs, slope fields, parametric function graphs, polar function graphs, box plots, and more.
Houbysoft Calculator also provides a simple yet powerful conversions system – simply go to the Convert… menu, and an intuitive interface will pop up, giving you the option to convert between many units of length, surface area, volume, temperature, speed, etc.
But don’t let the number of options fool you! Houbysoft Calculator also has a simple, fast, and intuitive interface – a line. Type a calculation, hit enter.
It’s as simple as that!