Rename multiple files in different formats at the same time. Change the name of images by altering the EXIF information and rename music tracks in the MP3 format using ID3 tags. Create various renaming rules and preview the new names. Optionally, undo applied changes.
File Renamer is a batch rename software to rename multiple files in few clicks with 50+ possible renaming actions. Powerful yet simple and easy to use interface with built in live preview to see new names before you rename. You can also undo renaming. This makes batch renaming extremely easy and you can rename thousands of files in a few clicks only in seconds. Extremely useful to rename photos using date and time picture taken and other EXIF & IPTC descriptions. Also rename MP3 files using ID3 tag information like artist, album, year, title, composer, Genre and Track number. You can also use External File list created in Text or Excel file to rename files.
## Instant preview before you rename.
## Undo All your renaming.
## Add Numerical and Alphabetical sequence to file names.
## Insert and delete text at beginning, end, at any character position or before and after some text.
## Find or Search and Replace Text
## Add Date created and modified in the file names.
## Rename digital photos using their EXIF and IPTC Tags. Like Date picture taken and camera model and IPTC data like Author, Description, Copyright information. More than 40 tags supported.
## Change File Name case to lower case, upper case or proper case.
## Remove, Add or change File Extension.
## Convert File name into Windows compatible format.
## Reverse File Name.
## Swap file name parts.
## Remove Characters like remove all unwanted characters from file name.
## Add File Name component like folder name or full path into file name.
## Rename MP3 files using ID3 tag information like Artist, Album, Year, Genre, Title, Comments, Track Number, Composer.
## Rename file name using external list you created.
## Save and then apply multiple renaming action (File Renamer Rule) in a single click.
## Save your profile with frequently used settings.
## Finder integration to open files and folders.
## User interface improvements and bug fixing.
"I am a photographer that takes thousands of pictures and eventually even my cameras go round the clock and produce pictures with the same number. File Renamer enabled me to change all the prefixes for relevant files/photo shoots very quickly indeed and I love that if you make a mistake that it allows you to recover the original file names. It does exactly what I needed it to do and I am entirely satisfied and am delighted with it. The programme is easy to use and has saved me hours of renaming JPEG files" David Hamilton.
"File Renamer is a Godsend! I bought a camera for my girlfriend and we took a trip to Panama. We took over 900 pictures with 2 different camera's and because of that the file names were different. I am a web developer and I wanted to create a very simple slideshow on a simple website ( and not use Flickr. For the code in the slideshow to work, all the files needed to have a common naming convention. After watching the video tutorial, File Rename did it for me in seconds! It allowed me to customize the filenames and do all sorts of stuff I've wanted to do for years, but couldn't. Thanks Winsome!" Robert Vig.
"File Renamer is absolutely great: it does exactly what it's designed to do, quickly, efficiently, and easily. It saves me an enormous amount of time and labour in renaming the photo files I must process each year. Years ago we used to do the renaming manually which would take hours. This year I bought File Renamer and the whole job took 17 seconds." Michael J Harnish.