Easy Books is a personal finance program that helps you manage your accounts, produce balance sheets, generate invoices, and much more. This application is also suitable for small businesses where it's important to create adequate financial reports and keep track of the activity on any account within the system.
By working with this app, you can manage your business invoices, generate profit and loss reports, and keep a record of your suppliers and customers.
An important advantage of Easy Books is that it allows you to sync between iOS devices and Mac. By doing so, you store a copy of your business data on the developer's servers and have the ability to access the financial information from your iPad or iPhone.
The only thing I didn't like was the fact that I had to update the program after its installation. The download URL from the homepage of the developer doesn't offer the latest version for this app.
To summarize, the application proves to be a reliable solution when it comes to scheduling bills and deposits, generating financial reports, etc. Plus, you don't have to pay to use the program.