DCrypt 1.01

Free Decrypt the content processed with DCrypt.
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1.01 See all
Jonathan Clark
Used by 3 people
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Work with the materials encrypted with the NCrypt solution on a Mac. Check out the options for recognizing individual items compatible with the toolset on the drives of your machine and enable the processing of permissions, restrictions, and the compatible components of the package.

This is a free app for users who don't own our encryption app NCrypt.
It allows anyone to decrypt a file encrypted with NCrypt provided they have the correct key. In order to correctly decrypt a file the same key which was used to encrypt the file must be entered. Entering an incorrect key will result in an incorrectly decrypted file, the content will be corrupt.
If the file is decrypted incorrectly, you can try again with the correct key as the original encrypted file will always remain intact.

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