Daylight 1.9

Daylight shows a big, bright, and beautiful map of the illuminated Earth, and the sunlight terminator.


Daylight shows a big, bright, and beautiful map of the illuminated Earth, and the sunlight terminator.
☀ Show where sunlight falls at any time, any place on Earth.

☀ Get sunrise, sunset and twilight times for any time any place on Earth.
☀ Drag the terminator shadow across the Earth.
☀ See daylight move across the surface of the Earth in real time.
☀ See information about any place on the map that you tap
☀ Look up cities across the world, along with the local time, and times of dawn, dusk and twilight.
☀ See twilight drawn on the map
☀ Fullscreen Mode
☀ Render a constantly updated map of the world, along with day, night and clouds, to your desktop
☀ Centre the map at any longitude
"The Screen is breathtakingly Beautiful in full screen mode. It looks like a beautiful Painting" - Bill Holz on the US AppStore.
"This software does exactly what it says: sunrise and sunset, times of civil twilight, nautical and astronomical, with a classic graphic representation! What more could you want?" - Review by Marc Revol on the French AppStore.
"This thing looks really nice. In addition I can attest that it's very accurate..." - Review by Will on the UK AppStore.

This program received 1 award
Andrew Cook
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