Cheap MP3 Player 0.00001

MP3 music player that allows you to listen to MP3 media files while using very little CPU power.
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Used by 3 people
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Cheap MP3 Player is a MP3 music player that allows you to listen to MP3 media files while using very little CPU power. Features and Anti-Features include:
- Low Processor Usage
- Low Level of Features
- Multiple Playlists (that you can't rename)
- Drag & Drop Support
- Plays Music
- Supports any format core audio supports
- Has a repeat button (that may actually look like more than a box someday)
- Create new playlist from the Menu
- No you can't delete playlists (I've wasted to much time on it as it is)
- Awesome Icon
- It works
- Continues playing after it crashes (it will quit after the song is over..)
- No volume control



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