AuctionSieve provides all eBay users with a simple alternative for searching and monitoring auctions without using a browser. The application does not require your account details and will not manage bids for you; it does however offer you good chances of finding those eBay bargains.
One of the most important program features is its search support for up to 17 different eBay domains. Moreover, the utility provides a tabbed search system. Each tab (or sieve) comes with its own custom search parameters; users can add bids, price, currency, category, BIN (Buy It Now) filters, define search terms and exclusion words. Sieves can be managed (selected and deleted) but not saved; this means you will have to define sieve parameters over and over again for similar searches.
For each product found, AuctionSieve will show its image, title, number of bids, BIN price (if available) and the time left to bid. Adding a product to the Watchlist will enable you to view additional data: the account names of the seller and highest bidder.
As an eBay searching tool, AuctionSieve is very thorough; you can search for specific items, categories located in a selected country. In terms of layout however, the application is very ineffective; I had to constantly resize frames, scroll down through the results (there is a custom limit for displaying query results) and it works best either maximized or on larger resolution settings.
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