Time lapse video mac 10.5 social advice

Mac users interested in Time lapse video mac 10.5 generally download:

Time Lapse Assembler allows you to create movies from a sequence of images. Just provide the application with a folder containing sequentially named JPEG images and it will produce a Quicktime compatible movie file for use in iMovie or other editing software.

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— I keep getting the following message on my iMac:-"There was an error accessing the destination file. File may already exist and be opened in another application. Close other applications...
It seems like there may be another application accessing the destination file or it already exists. Try closing any other applications that might be using the file and then attempt again.

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timeLAPSE is a commercial graphics editing application.

between 10 seconds...played time-lapse...screenshots. In 10 minutes 

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View, capture, edit, animate video, timelapse, and motion detection.

averaging, time lapse...Macintosh compatible video input...OS X 10.8