Mac users interested in Stock ticker for mac desktop app generally download:
Check out a financial management solution for investment processing and optimization. Monitor the performance of your 401(k) and other types of financial transactions, charts, portfolio materials, CAGR, etc. View and compare various watch lists for financial data.
Stock+ is intended to help you keep track of your portfolio of investments. The tool uses online services to provide you with the information you need to make better business. In this respect, you can automatically receive news articles, realtime StockTwit feeds as well as alerts.
iStockEX is an efficient tool that provides you with useful information regarding the current stock statistics. Now on, you will no longer have to browse and check for the current state of your favorite stocks, you can verify these details directly from this desktop application.
Additional suggestions for Stock ticker for mac desktop app by our robot:
Showing results for "stock ticker desktop" as the words for mac, app are considered too common
Display your Facebook friend's status as ticker on your desktop.
FavFriends Ticker is a stock-ticker-like...The ticker scrolls...your computer desktop
Finance Toolbar shows on your desktop a dynamic scrolling bar with the latest stock information.
on your desktop a dynamic...Real time stock ticker information, option...of the stock, the "
Menu bar app that monitors stock prices and news.
monitors stock prices...Stock Menulet from any other stock ticker...or add ticker
Most popular investment app for OS X.
Stock + Pro...seasoned veterans, Stock + Pro helps...analyzing one stock or seeing
With TickerMenu you can track stock prices in your OS X menu bar.
can track stock prices...specify the stocks...of the stocks
An intuitive, powerful app that lets you monitor your portfolio stock quotes.
any ticker. Simply enter a stock ticker...Features: - Add stock ticker to watch
Menu bar stock ticker. Rotates through stocks at an adjustable speed Enter stock symbols in preference pane table Can turn a particular stock "on".....
stock ticker. • Rotates through stocks...a particular stock "on"...Colors for stock
Soulver helps you make math calculations on your Mac.
international stock using its ticker...When the stock's value changes
mTicker Lite is a stock monitoring application for Mac.
Main features: - Ticker rotates through...Quickly visualize stock performance
Market Junkie - Your stock portfolio always up to date With Market Junkie you can easily manage you stock portfolio and keep an eye on the market....
custom stock alerts. Whenever a stock memorize ticker symbols - Portfolio
trading platform for Power E TRADE customers.
real-time stock and data tickers Intelligent