Mac users interested in Scrolling desktop stock ticker generally download:
Stock+ is intended to help you keep track of your portfolio of investments. The tool uses online services to provide you with the information you need to make better business. In this respect, you can automatically receive news articles, realtime StockTwit feeds as well as alerts.
Work with a stock trading assistant for Mac. Keep track of moves in the market with graphs and other details visualized and updated according to your preferences. Generate a complete portfolio and analyze the materials for proper decision-making and strategy building.
Additional suggestions for Scrolling desktop stock ticker by our robot:
Display your Facebook friend's status as ticker on your desktop.
FavFriends Ticker is a stock-ticker ...The ticker scrolls desktop
Finance Toolbar shows on your desktop a dynamic scrolling bar with the latest stock information.
on your desktop a dynamic scrolling...Real time stock ticker information, option