Skysafari old version social advice

Mac users interested in Skysafari old version generally download:

SkySafari 6.8

Perform various tasks related to astronomy. Gain access to telescope footage and view maps and pictures of various stars in different systems of the mapped sky. Work with configurable controls to navigate the content and generate various interactive maps.

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Spaceflight has never been so easy! With SkySafari 3 Plus, you can follow events like eclipses and transits in Earth's sky - or from anywhere else in the galaxy! Like our SkySafari iPhone apps, SkySafari for Mac OS X comes in three versions. This...

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It is an app that simulates the sky from anywhere on Earth.

SkySafari 5 Plus 

Shows you 2.5 million stars and 32,000 deep sky objects.

SkySafari 6 Plus 

SkySafari 4 Plus is an app that shows solar system spectacles.

SkySafari 4 Plus 

SkySafari 4 is a professional astronomy app for Mac OS.

SkySafari 4 is a professional 

Simulate the sky from anywhere on Earth up to 10000 years in the past or future.


Locate planets, constellations, satellites, and millions of stars.

SkySafari 6 is a powerful