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DietController is a calorie counter and diet diary. Record the foods you eat in an easy to use spreadsheet that counts your calories and other nutrients. Keep track of your food intake, exercise and body measurements throughout your...

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Work with an assistant app for organizing and improving personal health. Manage diet materials, as well as schedules for fitness activities and medical procedures. Track your current weight and reduce it according to instructions. Count the amounts of calories used.

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— Anyone knows of a way to retrieve or reset a lost admin password in Calorie 3 software?
You cannot directly change the password, you will need to recover the old one instead. Use the KeyChain application found in Application > Utilities. Use your password to gain access to KeyChain then search for Calories 3 in the list. You'll find the lost password there.

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Create your workout calendar with iKeepActive!

Mass Index calculator - Basal Metabolic Rate calculator - Activity 

It is a handy application that helps you monitor your body's health.

basal metabolic rate (BMR), calorie calculator ...percentage calculator, target