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Administrate your development environment, test your applications, and access an extensive library containing all necessary components used by Apache, MySQL and PHP, and other ISPs. Specify any number of servers to perform tests and enable the local mail server to have the possibility to dispatch mails by PHP scripts.
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Install Apache, Nginx, PHP and MySQL without starting a script.
state (i.e. MAMP...functional capabilities, MAMP...with MAMP. To summarize, MAMP
MAMP installs a local server environment in a matter of seconds.
Linux-world, MAMP comes...charge. MAMP...original status (i.e. MAMP
MAMP No Password allows you to run MAMP on port 80 without a password.
you use it. MAMP No run MAMP on port
A free and convenient solution for managing multiple MySQL-powered databases.
on your MAMP/XAMP
BitNami MAMP Stack greatly simplifies the development and deployment of PHP applications.
BitNami MAMP Stack greatly
Compile code in Sass, SCSS, Compass, LESS, TypeScript and other languages.
XAMPP, Wamp, MAMP or Wordpress
MAMPStack greatly simplifies the development and deployment of PHP applications.