Mac users interested in Interactive calendar wallpaper generally download:
Have images of the Solar System with a calendar, clock and iCal task list displayed on your desktop. View the system from various points, zoom in to see planets or their moons in details, tweak the rotation speed and angle settings. Listen to the ambient sounds of deep space accompanying the wallpaper.
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No exact matches found for "interactive calendar wallpaper". Results for similar searches are shown below.
The tool helps you to access a monthly calendar quickly and easily.
access a monthly calendar the calendar. Therefore ...above the wallpaper
Highly customizable desktop calendar.
existing calendars into Desktop Calendar Plus...Sub-Calendar: Display small calendars
A feature-rich digital photo organizing, creating and web publishing software.
The calendar...a nice calendar ...flash movies, wallpapers
Galaxy Pro - Live Wallpaper is a clock, calendar and iCal task list.
Live Wallpaper is a clock, calendar...3D live wallpaper
A free monthly Calendar to your macOS wallpaper!
Calendar to your macOS wallpaper...agenda, monthly calendar, contact ...your calendar
iCollage for Mac is an app that enables you to design cards, scrapbooks, etc.
scrapbooks, cards, wallpapers, calendars on Mac...collages, and calendars using
Synchronize your schedule in real time between computers and mobile phones.
terminal synchronization, calendar view, schedule...the desktop wallpaper, press
Discrete linear desktop calendar with support for iCal and other...
displays a linear calendar...puts your calendar...find a great wallpaper
Description Cuptakes is here to...
along with Calendars that include...other seasonal wallpapers. Display
Present your iCal calendar events and reminders right on your desktop with this stunning calendar viewer....
this stunning calendar...of your wallpaper...your existing calendar
Add a free monthly Calendar to your macOS wallpaper.
monthly Calendar to your macOS wallpaper
Program that allows you to view and manipulate data on many CDMA phones from LG, Samsung, Sanyo and other manufacturers....
the PhoneBook, Calendar, WallPapers, RingTones (functionality
Create various types of photo collages from scratch or a template.
professional-looking calendars...posters, invitations, wallpapers, calendars
iDesktopCalendar offers an up-to-date calendar for your Mac.
to-date calendar...with any wallpaper. iDesktopCalendar...start your calendar
Puts a semi-transparent background calendar right on desktop wallpaper.
calendar right on desktop wallpaper...what your calendar/agenda/...desktop wallpaper