Mac users interested in Exs24 sampler vst tool generally download:
Have you ever dreamed publishing your samples as a VST and Audio Unit virtual instrument? With Maize Sampler, this is easy and affordable. In minutes, your instruments will be ready to be used by musicians all over the world.
Maize Sampler is a cross-platform tool for sound developers to create sample-based virtual instruments.
Additional suggestions for Exs24 sampler vst tool by our robot:
No exact matches found for "exs24 sampler...". Results for similar searches are shown below.
Translates almost any professional sampler format into EXS-24 format.
Translator™ EXS24...any professional sampler...Translator™ EXS24
It meets every real-world need related to instrument management with ANY software/hardware sampler.
software/hardware sampler...Structure, EXS24, Reason sampler