Block all annoying ads on the web.


Adblock Plus for Google Chrome blocks: banners, youtube video ads, facebook advertisements, pop-ups, all other obtrusive ads.

Adblock Plus is a community-driven open source project, and hundreds of volunteers are contributing to the success of Adblock Plus to make sure that all annoying ads are automatically blocked. Please note: When installing Adblock Plus for Chrome, your browser shows a warning that Adblock Plus for Chrome has access to your browsing history and data. This is a standard message, we never collect any information whatsoever. Recently, the Adblock Plus community introduced the Acceptable Ads initiative. By allowing some small and static ads, you support websites that rely on advertising but choose to do it in a non-intrusive way. This feature can be disabled at any time.
What's new in this version:
This release fixes pop-up blocking that was broken in the previous release. It also addresses a long standing issue, the size of the "Block element" dialog wasn't always set correctly.

Adblock Plus
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