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Installed 10 years ago
SyncMate - Sync Mac & Android, iOS, cloud storages, Windows services, MTP & mounted devices
iBooks Author
iBooks Author - Create, export, and share your own textbooks on your Mac.
Removed 10 years ago
Thunderbird - Strong desktop email client with superior speed and responsiveness time.
iBooks Author
iBooks Author - Create, export, and share your own textbooks on your Mac.
System Lens
System Lens - System Lens lets you know which apps are overusing your CPU resources.
View all 34 programs
Installed 10 years ago
XQuartz - Provides MacOS users a way to run X Window applications.
VoiceOver Utility
VoiceOver Utility - VoiceOver describes aloud what appears on your computer screen.
Console - The Console utility allows you to monitor system logs from a central location.
View all 52 programs