
Testing Mode

32- or 64-bit Kernel Startup Mode Selector
free rating
32- or 64-bit Kernel Startup Mode Selector... Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard is 64-bit - or is it?...
64-bit Kernel Startup Mode Selector...Mac OS X...set the kernel's startup mode: - Intel Mac - Mac
Dark Mode for Safari
Denk Alexandru
Dark Mode for Safari makes your browser more comfortable, enjoyable, and cool by changing the colour scheme to make web pages...
Dark Mode for Safari makes...the new Mojave dark mode look
Dynamic Dark Mode
free rating
Zhiyu Zhu
Dynamic Dark Mode is an app that lets you power up the dark mode on macOS Mojave. Instead of looking...
the switch to dark mode in System Preferences...tool dynamically enables dark mode in dim lights
Dark Mode Wallpaper
free rating
Justin Hamilton
Dark Mode Wallpaper Switcher is a simple and easy-to-mage application that switches your wallpaper depending on if you're...
Dark Mode Wallpaper Switcher...light or dark mode...and Dark Mode Wallpaper Switcher
Desmos | Testing
Kernel Startup Mode Selector
free rating Markus Winter
Well, actually Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard is both 32-bit and 64-bit, and what that means for you depends...
or in 64-bit mode ...or in 64-bit mode *...in 64-bit mode (the setting might
Testing Center Browser
rating com.testsys.SecureBrowser
Testing Steam
rating CodeWeavers Inc
Testing RC2
rating JetBrains
free rating Johan Linde
HTML mode is a suite of extensions that makes Alpha a powerful and versatile web editor. If you want a solid...
HTML mode is a suite of extensions...should try Alpha HTML mode. Alpha is not a WYSIWYG
Apple Theater Mode Update
free rating Apple
Theater Mode is used on some iMacs and on desktop Macintosh systems that have an Apple...
with the Theater Mode Extension...If you have Theater Mode 2.0 through 2.0.2