
Delete Clipboard

Flycut (Clipboard manager)
free rating
General Arcade
This utility was created to offer you a simple way to keep track of your clipboard...
of your clipboard entries. Flycut (Clipboard manager)...to automatically delete duplicated clippings
Clipboard Center
Jeremy Marchand
Clipboard Center lets you expand the possibilities of your system’s clipboard...
application avoids the clipboard’s...delete unwanted entries. All in all, Clipboard
Clipboard Evolved
Mach Software Design
Clipboard Evolved makes it fun and easy to organize your data in a user-friendly clipboard...
Unlike most other clipboard managers, which...window or a menu, Clipboard
free rating
Mr. Proton Studio
Cleanboard is an app that helps you keep your clipboard clean. When you copy a file...
you keep your clipboard clean...you can clean your Clipboard, delete passwords, images, text
Clipboard Master
Everyday Tools
Clipboard Master is a perfect tool for viewing the clipboard on your Mac. It grants you an opportunity...
were added to the clipboard since...they appeared in the clipboard, so you can
Clipboard Cleaner
Mobile Vision Software Group, LLC
Clipboard Cleaner is a clipboard utility for Mac. The application serves one purpose...
you can tell Clipboard Cleaner to automatically...option. I tested Clipboard Cleaner by opening
Clipboard Booster
Wise Tech Labs Private Limited
Clipboard Booste‪r helps you manage your clipboard with ease. It helps you to significantly...
any folder you desire. Clipboard...of your list or delete
Text Clipboard
Bruno Martins
Text Clipboard lets you keep control of your clipboard. Copy and paste like a pro! Copy...
stop clipboard monitor Blacklist apps Multiple selection to delete Keep
Clipboard Pimper
free rating
Catzware Inc.
Clipboard Pimper is an application that lets you manage and get control of your clipboard...
Clipboard Pimper is an application...get control of your clipboard with ease
Clipboard Action
Jan Valta
Smart clipboard history manager, which allows execute actions with every content in the clipboard...
delete content by swipe gesture. • Browsing Clipboard...Sharing - Share clipboard content
Paste Queue (Multi Clipboard)
Hoi Chang
Paste Queue is a great time-saver for copying and pasting multiple...
like an extended clipboard, where you can copy...keyboard shortcut - Can delete all copied
Clipboard Ripper - Easy Clipboard Management
Sharcky Mac Inn.
Clipboard Ripper is a clipboard management tool for Mac. Also, this application saves all your clipboard...
Clipboard Ripper is a clipboard management...saves all your clipboard
Copy Clipboard History
free rating Sivakumar S.
Copy Clipboard History is a clipboard manager for your Mac. This app remembers all the text...
Copy Clipboard History is a clipboard manager for your Mac...be copied to the clipboard. Then, you can
Clipboard Scripts
rating Automated Workflows, LLC
"Clipboard Scripts" is a package of 20 AppleScripts...
while performing everyday tasks. "Clipboard Scripts" are accessed through
Clipboard History Pro For Mac
rating Japplis
Clipboard History Pro remembers the text copied in the clipboard from other applications...
text copied in the clipboard from other applications...can add new text, delete