XGP is an integrated development environment the extends gprolog to work with Cocoa under Macintosh OS X (10.6). It extends gprolog with builtins predicates for dialog, menu, and graphics facilities.
gprolog (GNU Prolog) is primarily the work of Daniel Diaz, It is a largely ISO standard-compliant Prolog, extended with constraint logic programming. It runs on many platforms. The Mac OS X port of gprolog was created as the first step toward XGP (including creating a fink package for this port). XGP relies on patching version 1.2.19 for the PowerPC CPU and version 1.3.2 for the Intel CPU, which are only available from the main site (http://gnu-prolog.inria.fr). The SourceForge site (https://sourceforge.net/projects/gprolog/) does not carry the most recent versions.
Logic Programming Associates (LPA) has been a commercial Prolog vendor and provider of programming services for many years. They created an excellent Prolog implementation for the Macintosh, culminating in MacProlog32. They have stopped actively maintaining MacProlog32. MP32 runs under Mac OS 7.x to 8.5, and under some configurations of 8.6 and OS 9. It does run under Mac OS X 10.x in classic mode on some systems.
This project provides a migration path to Mac OS X for legacy MacProlog32 programs.