Traveling or currently live in the United States? Get simple weather conditions for the United States on your computer without the need to visit web sites with messy ads and layouts. Weather Plus for the United States, based on our popular Weather Plus applications for the iPhone/iPad, makes it simple to bring weather information to your laptop or desktop with enhanced features that come from trusted weather resources.Weather Plus for the United States offers:* Current Conditions* Personal Weather Stations and Weather Cameras* Digitalized Forecasts* Zip Code or City, State Lookup for Locations* Quick Camera / Daytime, Nighttime Icon Switch Button* Advisories and Alerts* Radar and Visible Satellite Information* HTML 5 Weather Radio Player* Mapping of Personal Weather Stations and Cameras* Parsed Weather Advisories with Local Processing* Weather Notifier (a notification menu in the Mac OS X Status Bar)* Automatic refresh every 6-7 minutes of weather information* Theme Parks with a click of the mouse - Accurate and fast weather information for locations with theme parks (integrating our popular iPhone application features into one Mac application).* and much more!With this application you will never go without weather information for the United States.* Some features may require an API Key in order to for some data to be integrated into the application. *
View weather patterns all over the world, with real-time cloud cover and a 7-day forecast.